What is Meazure Learning? Many ask us this question. We will answer many such questions in this post. You will have vital knowledge for choosing the right exam.
What Is Meazure Learning?
It is a digital exam proctoring and assessment platform. All reputed educational institutes leverage its potential to conduct exams and certifications securely. The platform offers various services, including the following during exams:
- Test administration.
- Test security.
- Identity verification.
- Real-time monitoring.
- Supports various professional certification programs.
- Ensuring a reliable and fully compliant testing environment.
BITTS Testing Meazure Learning services offer value in numerous ways. For example:
- Easy venue booking process for different types of tests.
- Access to test center candidate services.
Let’s talk about these benefits in detail.
- Meazure Learning Testing Programs In Our Portfolios:
BITTS Testing is a test venue for exams relevant to it in Canada. Take a look at the table to know about the exams you can book the venue for:
Meazure Learning Exams:
Serial Number | Meazure Learning Exams | Exam Full Form |
1 | ACAT, ABA, ATP, and ARA | Accreditation Council for Accountancy and Taxation, Accredited Business Accountant®, Accredited Tax Advisor®, and Accredited Retirement Advisor®. |
2 | AACD, and DELTE | American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and Dentist Exam and Lab Technician Exam. |
3 | AABIP, and CAQ | American Association for Bronchology and Interventional Pulmonology, and Interventional Pulmonology Certification Examination and Advanced Diagnostic Bronchoscopy Certificate of Added Qualification Exam. |
4 | AAPL | American Association of Professional Landmen. |
5 | ABA | American Bankers Association Examinations. |
6 | ACMPE, and CMPE | American College of Medical Practice Executives, and Certified Medical Practice Executive Exam. |
7 | ABOBCE | American Board of Optometry Board Certification Exam. |
8 | ACR, and MSUS | American College of Rheumatology, Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Professional Certification. |
9 | ACVP | American College of Veterinary Pathologists, General Pathology Exam. |
10 | ACE, PT, GFI, and CMES | American Council on Exercise, Personal Trainer (PT), and Group Fitness Instructor. |
11 | ASAE, and CAE | American Society of Association Executives Certified Association Executive. |
12 | ASATT | American Society of Anesthesia Technologists and Technicians Certified Anesthesia Technologist |
13 | ASTMH | American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, A Certificate of Knowledge Examination. |
14 | ASBA | American Sports Builders Association Certified Tennis Court Builder, Certified Track Builder, Certified Field Builder – Core, Certified Field Builder – Natural Turf, Certified Field Builder – Synthetic Turf exams. |
15 | WFSO-FPL | APS Culinary World Food Safety Organisation-Food Protection Leader Exam. |
16 | AASP | Association for Applied Sport Psychology Certified. |
17 | CMPC | Mental Performance Consultant. |
18 | ADCES | Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists. |
19 | ADCES, and BCADM | Association of Diabetes Care & Education Specialists – Board Certified – Advanced Diabetes Management. |
20 | ASFPM, and CFM | Association of State Floodplain Managers, and Certified Floodplain Manager. |
21 | AEMA | Athletic Equipment Managers Association, A National Certification Examination for Athletic Equipment Managers. |
22 | CPSP | Board for Global EHS Credentialing Certified Professional Product Steward. |
23 | BOC | BOC Athletic Trainer Certification Exam for the Board of Certification for the Athletic Trainer. |
24 | BOC-O | Board of Certification Orthopedic Specialty Exam. |
25 | CCIDC | California Council for Interior Design Certification, IDEX California. |
26 | CASLI, and CGKE | Center for the Assessment of Sign Language Interpretation General Knowledge Exam. |
27 | CHD and EDAC | Center for Health Design, and Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification. |
28 | CASLI | Center for the Assessment of Sign Language Interpretation MCQ Retake, and Case Study Retake. |
29 | CCNNAMMS | Certification Commission of the National Association of Medical Staff Services, CPMSM Exam. |
30 | (CCNNAMMS) | Certification Commission of the National Association of Medical Staff Services, CPCS Exam. |
31 | CRA, and AHRA | Certified Radiology Administrator, Exam for the American Healthcare Radiology Administrators. |
32 | CRRN, and RNCB | Certified Rehabilitation Registered Nurse and Exam for the Rehabilitation Nursing Certification Board. |
33 | CGI Federal EPA Lead-Based Paint Examinations: Inspector, Risk Assessor, and Supervisor. | Inspector, Risk Assessor, and Supervisor. |
34 | CPGPECPG | Counselors of Problem Gamblers Professional Examination for Counselors of Problem Gamblers. |
35 | (COPAS) | Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies Accredited Petroleum Accountant Examination |
26 | CMCC – AB | Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification Accreditation Body, Certified Professional, Certified Assessor L1, Certified Assessor L3, Certified Assessor L5, Certified Instructor, and Certified Quality Assurance exam. |
27 | ETA, and CPP | Electronic Transactions Association Certified Payments Professional Exam. |
28 | HEC-C | HCEC Certification Commission Health Care Ethics Consultant Certification (HEC-C) Examination. |
29 | SANE-A, SANE-P | International Association of Forensic Nurses (IAFN) Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner Exam. |
30 | IHRIM | International Association for Human Resource Information Management. ) Human Resource Information Professional exam. |
31 | ISA | International Society of Automation Exams. |
32 | IHATI | In-Home Addiction Treatment Institute, Inc. Care Coordinator Exam and Recovery Advisor Exam. |
33 | IDA | International Dyslexia Association KPEERI Exam. |
34 | IIBEC, RRC. RRO, GCK, REWC, and RWC | International Institute of Building Enclosure Consultants, Registered Roof Consultant, Registered Roof Observer, Registered Exterior Wall Consultant, Registered Exterior Wall Observer (REWO). |
35 | IKCEA, CECT, CECS, and (CESI). | International Kitchen Exhaust Cleaning Association, Certified Exhaust Cleaning Technician, Certified Exhaust Cleaning Specialist, and Certified Exhaust System Inspector exams |
36 | LES and CLP | Licensing Executives Society, and Certified Licensing Professional Exam. |
37 | NAAEI | National Apartment Association Education Institute Exam. |
38 | PXI | Patient Experience Institute Certified Patient Experience Professional Exam. Certified Patient Experience Professional Exam |
39 | PCE, CCE, and CBC | Prepared Childbirth Educators, Certified Childbirth Educator, Examination Program and the Certified Breastfeeding Counselor exam. |
40 | RAPS and RAC | Regulatory Affairs Professional Society and Regulatory Affairs Professional Society Exam. |
41 | SIA, and CSPM | Security Industry Association, and Certified Security Project Manager®. |
42 | TPCB, PTOE, and PTP. | Transportation Professional Certification Board , Professional Traffic Operations Engineer, and Certification Examination and Professional Traffic Planner Certification Examination. |
43 | TPCB, and (RSP) | Transportation Professional Certification Board, and Road Safety Professional Level 1. |
44 | TPCB, RSP2 level 1, and RSP2 Level 2 | Transportation Professional Certification Board, Road Safety Professional, level 2 Infrastructure Examination, and Road Safety Professional Behavioral Examination |
45 | ERC CRP | Worldwide ERC CRP Exam. |
46 | WOCNCB CWCN®, and CWCN®–AP. | Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board, Certified Wound Care Nurse and Certified Wound Care Nurse—Advanced Practice. |
46 | WOCNCB, COCN®, and (COCN®–AP) | Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board, Certified Ostomy Care Nurse, and and Certified Ostomy Care Nurse—Advanced Practice. |
47 | WOCNCB, and CCCN®–AP. | Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board, and Certified Continence Care Nurse– Advanced Practice. |
48 | WOCNCB, and CFCN. | Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board, and Foot Care Nurse. |
49 | WOCNCB, and WTA | Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing Certification Board, and Wound Treatment Associate. |
Yardstick Exams:
Serial Number | Meazure Learning Yardstick Exams | Exam Full Form |
1 | AFLCA | Alberta Fitness Leadership Certification Association. |
2 | CAMRT | Canada Association of Medical Radiation Technologist. Nuclear Medicine. Radiology Technology. Radiation Therapy. |
3 | CAOT | Canadian Association of Occupational Therapists. |
4 | NDAED | National Dental Association Examining Board. |
5 | NRCAN | Natural Resources Canada Housing Division. |
6 | Sonography Canada | Sonography Canada. Core Module. Cardiac. Generalist. |
7 | CDRE | Canadian Dietetic Registration Examination. |
8 | SAC | Speech Language and Audiology Canada. |
9 | RECA` | The real estate council of Alberta. |
10 | FP Canada | FP Canada |
11 | IIC | Insurance Institute of Canada. |
12 | NPPE | National Professional Practical Examination. |
13 | MLPAO | The Medical Laboratory Professionals of Ontario. |
14 | CAN | Canadian Nurses Association. |
15 | CSA Group | CNG Cylinder and Fuel System Inspector. Construction Electrician (NOC 7241) Solar Photovoltaic (PV) Systems (SPVC). Medical Device Reprocessing Supervisor. Medical Device Reprocessing Technician. Medical Gas Piping and Systems Installer (2012). Medical Gas Piping and Systems Installer (2017). P.I.P.E.S. Rigger. Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC). Rick Hansen Foundation Accessibility Certification™ (RHFAC) Professional certificate. Accessibility version. |
16 | OCP | Ontario Colleges of Pharmacists – Knowledge Assessment. |
17 | CSCP | Canadian Society of Clinical Perfusio. |
18 | CFP | Certified Financial Planner. |
19 | NRCan ERS – Natural Resources Canada Housing Program | Foundation Level Exam. EnerGuide Rating System – Energy Advisor Exam. EnerGuide Rating System – Energy Advisor Exam (MURB). EnerGuide Rating System – Quality Assurance Specialist Exam (House). EnerGuide Rating System – Energy Advisor Exam (MURB). EnerGuide Rating System – Combo MURB Exam for Quality Assurance Specialists. ENERGY STAR for New Homes – GJ Energy Advisor Exam. |
20 | CKO | College of Kinesiologists of Ontario. |
21 | QAFP | Qualified Associate Financial Planner. |
22 | NOTCE | National Occupational Therapy Certification Exam. |
These are the Yardstick and Meazure learning testing programs you can register for. BITTS Testing Services has experienced faculty and world-class infrastructure to make your test a positive experience.
Process To Book The Test Venue:
Follow the steps mentioned below:
- Visit the official website of BITTS Testing Services or Meazure Learning.
- Look for direct online booking available for the test venue.
- If needed, get in touch with the Meazure learning testing program administrator.
- Inquire about the availability.
- Make the payment and complete the booking process.
Follow the same process to book BITTS Testing Services as a test venue for your Yardstick exam.
Remember to choose the Yardstick and Meazure learning testing programs in this process and fill out the quick application form to complete the registration process without hassles. Call our support staff for help or details.
Register now!
We will discuss the rest of the things in the future.