Privacy Policy – Bitts

BITTS International Career College is accredited as a Career College by the Ontario Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities. The policies of the Ministry are strictly adhered to throughout our campuses.

BITTS Testing Services partners with the British Council to conduct CD-based and paper-based IELTS exam(Academic and General Training). CELPIP and Pearson VUE exams are also conducted at our premises. We are also proud partners of the Red Cross, allowing us to conduct varying certification courses such as CPR A, C, BLS/HCP (Standard or Emergency). To protect the interest of our partners, students and test-takers,  strict privacy policies are implemented at BITTS.

Cookies and logs

BITTS stores cookies and logs to ensure a friendly user experience. We store information about visitor log time, operating system, browser, search keywords and links which enabled the user to reach our website. It helps us to recognize our users as every user has a unique cookie ID signifying an individual browser.

Personal Information

Information containing the confidential data such as : name, email, date of birth and finances is classified as personal and will not be made public.

Collection of Data

Our students and test takers are required to fill out online or offline application forms to register them with us. Bitts affirms that this data is only used to deliver our services in an efficient way and to avoid any ambiguity about identity and choices made by candidates. This data collection also enables Bitts to communicate. Data protection and data security are ensured at each step of data collection.

Newsletter subscriptions

Our website users can subscribe to our newsletters to receive the latest information, updates, events and promotional offers for various courses. User needs to fill out our subscription form to be eligible to receive our newsletters. One is required to enter a valid email address. After successful verification of the email address, a confirmation email will be sent to the subscriber. During the process, we also store the IP address of the subscriber’s computer system. This data is collected in order to prevent any misuse of the provided email address.

Data Protection

BITTS follows all the procedures and takes all the necessary measures to ensure that only authorized access is provided for data and that your personal information is not disclosed. During transmission of information, data is always susceptible to hacking and breach. In such scenarios, Bitts takes all the data protection precautions.

Confidential Information

BITTS holds confidential data such as student profiles, staff records, financial information, score-cards etc. These are vital to the smooth running of operations and if disclosed may incur financial loss or damage the reputation of Bitts.

Agreement of Confidentiality

A confidentiality agreement is signed by anyone who requests the access to confidential information. These requests can be granted by administrators to the external contractors such as third party I.T.

Following information is gathered from someone requesting access to confidential information:

  • Reason for the requiring access?
  • List of items he needs to access
  • How will he process that information?
  • Time frame for which he will access that information.
Periodic Audits

BITTS process periodic audits of personal and confidential data. Reports are provided about who is accessing which data for what duration and how is data being processed. These audits ensure the quality of data protection and data security measures.

Reporting Data Breach

Any type of data breach can be reported to the management office or you can send an email to info@bitts.ca.