CELPIP, the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program, is an alternative to IELTS—the International English Language Testing System. The popularity of this international English language proficiency test has grown and grown since its inception. Yet candidates need to understand a couple of things about it before taking the test and even in taking a CELPIP Test Preparation Course online. This includes but is not limited to CELPIP categories, CELPIP score charts, CLB levels, and CELPIP descriptors.

Here is a comprehensive CELPIP breakdown of all of those terms and more…

Categories of CELPIP Exam

CELPIP is a proficiency test professionals and immigrants take for the following purposes:

  • To submit for their permanent residence application(s) in Canada.
  • To boost their professional designations.

There are two types of CELPIP exams too—the General and the General LS.

➔   The CELPIP General Test

This CELPIP English Test is for those who want to submit their permanent residency application and boost their professional designation. This test format assesses candidates’ LRWS–Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking—abilities. A single sitting of 164 minutes to 190 minutes—2 hours 44 Minutes to 3 hours 10 minutes—is typically required.

➔   The CELPIP General LS Test

This CELPIP English Test  is taken if candidates want to submit their permanent residence applications and boost one’s professional designations in Canada too, but this format of the test assesses only examines a candidate’s English listening and speaking abilities.

The CELPIP Score Chart

As the title suggests, the CELPIP score chart evaluate candidate’s test score. All modules of this English Language Proficiency Test have a CELPIP Level and is usually set for reference against the Canadian Language Benchmark Level (CLB). NB: this differs from the IELTS 0-9 band score practice considerably.

CELPIP Score Chart Levels

Every CELPIP score level indicates the candidate’s command of the English language. M is the lowest score level while 12 is the highest. All score levels have a descriptor to describe the test score and quality of performance.

Given below is a table that shows the CLB level, the CELPIP level, and the CELPIP descriptor:

Serial NumberCLB LevelCELPIP LevelCELPIP Descriptor
10,1,2MMinimal proficiency or insufficient information for assessment.
233The test taker has some proficiency in limited contexts.
344The candidate has the appropriate proficiency needed to carry out daily activities.
455The test taker is earning proficiency in professional settings and community contexts.
566The test taker is developing proficiency in professional settings and community contexts.
677The test taker possesses appropriate proficiency in professional and community contexts.
788The proficiency of a test taker in professional and community standards is good.
899The test taker’s proficiency in professional and community contexts is effective.
91010The test taker’s proficiency in workplace and community contexts is extremely effective.
101111The test taker possesses an advanced level of proficiency in workplace and community contexts.
111212The advanced level of proficiency in workplace and community contexts is the specialty of the test taker.

➔   CELPIP English Reading Score Chart and CLB Level

The CELPIP English reading score rewards with a score out of 38, and the CLB Level is also slightly different from the table given above. See:

Serial NumberReading Score Out of 38CELPIP Level

➔   CELPIP English Test Listening Score Chart and CLB Level

The level of the CELPIP listening test score depends on the level of questions asked and the number of correct answers. Here is the reference:

Serial NumberListening Score Out of 38CELPIP Level

➔   Score In CELPIP English Speaking and Writing Test

Numerous factors play an important role in the scoring of the CELPIP English test’s speaking and writing module. The list includes…

❖    Coherence

The CELPIP examiner analyses and assesses the following abilities of test takers:

  • Ability to use a full range of purposes and objectives throughout the conversation.
  • Ability to present information with sufficient facts, details, and extended descriptions.
  • Ability to present information and develop complex ideas using sufficient facts, details, and extended information throughout the verbal communication and writing task.
  • Ability to use clarity, precision, and complexity for the presentation and development of ideas.

❖    Vocabulary

The examiner will analyse the speaking and writing diction abilities based on the following factors:

➢ The choice of different words.
➢ The use of different phrases.
➢ The use of different idioms.
➢ The use of different expressions during the speaking and writing test.
➢ The ability to present information and develop ideas with clarity, precision, and in a complex way.
➢ Ability to use all types of vocabulary clearly and precisely.


The examiner pays special attention to the following aspects during the CELPIP listening Test, noting:

  • The candidate’s ability to use various grammatical structures.
  • Fluent rhythm.
  • Intonation.
  • Pronunciation.

❖    Readability

The examiner will check the presence and quality of the readability factor in writing tasks using the following parameters:

  • Ability to use complex and diverse grammatical structures easily.
  • Ability to connect ideas for hassle-free transitions between paragraphs to ensure a high-quality flow of ideas in the task response.

These two factors are very important for candidates working on their writing task(s) and worth noting here.

❖    Task Fulfilment

The process of marking based on completing necessary tasks is carried-out on the following basis:

  • According to ability to express the situation.
  • According to the clear relevance of answer to the topic given. 
  • According to the ability to present ideas in a proper tone for a particular situation.
  • The ability to respond to the question with properly structured ideas.

All CELPIP preparation courses providers dedicate their wealth of time, skills, experience, knowledge, and resources to preparing test takers accordingly. Candidates must pay attention to these aspects during the CELPIP test preparation period, noting all intricacies beforehand.

BITTS Testing Services offers all interested candidates a chance to enrol in the CELPIP Preparation Course to confidently prepare for the CELPIP exam. Candidates will have a chance to be ready under the guidance of experienced, skilled, knowledgeable, and CELPIP English test-qualified tutors and help them actualize their desired CELPIP achievements.

Interested? Contact BITTS Testing Services now while class seating is available.
We look forward to hearing from you.

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