BITTS Testing Services – Prometric Testing

BITTS Testing services is an approved organization for Prometric testing. This college is considered to be a state of art testing centre. It is convenient and provides all-weather working availability. It is a countenance testing Centre, that allows conducting testing of different exams. Apparently, the venue consists of the most convenient delivery systems. Also, the College of Mississauga has edified staff for keeping an eye on test candidates. This staff is so drilled full to keep the focused outlook on the tutee.

Prometric testing is an examination network of thousands of sites collected from almost 160 countries. The origin of Prometric testing in the United States. This testing caters to an on-demand online system, on-site exam set-up, and customized programs for different types of exams for certification, ranking, scoring, or licensure purpose.

Why BITTS Prometric?

The most important features of Prometric testing are, that it is very secure, and safe. There is no chance of cheating, fraud, or any offensive task taking place. There are well-trained systems available that keep the process quick and effortless. Moreover, the labs available are well equipped with a number of computers, allowing a number of candidates to participate at a time. The system gives you a stress-free experience. As it is an audio-video surveillance premise.

This place is very easy to find and located near Pearson Airport Toronto. It takes only 5 minutes to run by local buses to transport from the GTA region to BITTS Testing Services. There is the availability of 3 different local transit buses to the location. There are many other modes like cars, trains etc to reach this place in no time.

Address of BITTS Testing Services:

7895 Tranmere Dr, Unit 230, Mississauga, ON L5S 1V9

In the present scenario of pandemic COVID-19 and beyond, Prometric testing is the most opportune and reliable option for assessing and examining students. Along with being the number one secure system, it serves three main qualities ever needed.

These three qualities are expertise, integrity, and choice:


Everybody wants their work to be done by an expert to attain 100% results. BITTS Testing Services is loaded with advanced system programs, well-educated, expert teachers, and support staff to handle any situation and keep sufficient approach on tutee during exams.


The testing system is non-biased provides uncompromising accuracy filled with ethics and moral principles. Prometric testing integrates great values to ensure the confidence of the organizing committee while preparing results with less time consumption. It does not let down the image of test owners by giving a safe and prosperous environment to the test givers.


Today everybody wants choices for doing any task. So here comes the most advanced system with many options just for one work. The test owners or organizing committee that arrange the test for the tutee get many choices between on-site testing events, on-demand testing performs, and customization during the setting up of the system as per their requirement for conducting the exam.

Nowadays these three qualities are a must for BITTS Prometric testing to build a progressive assessment system to get the furnished result at any instance of time. 

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