Booking an IELTS exam date is a difficult task for most first-time test takers. One reason is their unfamiliarity with the process. Most first-time test takers make many of the same mistakes during the IELTS exam date booking process. As a result, they have issues getting confirmation of their test date, what they need to bring on test day, etc.
Booking a slot for the International English language Proficiency Test comes with costs, mentally and financially. Not everyone can afford to pay the test fee multiple times along with taking on the stress that comes with process.
This post is intended to make the IELTS exam booking process easier for all. Prospective candidates will come to know why booking IELTS dates turns out to be a difficult thing for first-time test takers and what are some common mistakes made during the test booking process.
Hereafter, prospective candidates can book dates for this English language proficiency test without hassles while saving a lot of time and money in the process.
Trying to Book IELTS Dates Using Wrong Identity Documents
Many people try to book IELTS every week and some test takers try to upload their national identification documents like voter cards to meet the required identification document verification. This is a mistake—the British Council accepts only your passport as valid proof.
Your IELTS dates are confirmed if you use only your passport. You should upload only your passport to avoid the following consequences:
- Rejection of application.
- Denial of entry to the test center on your test day.
- Being marked absent on the test day even if your application is not rejected.
- Assurance of a refund of the test fee was paid for the IELTS booking.
Candidates Don’t Know Where to Book IELTS Test Dates
Every IELTS candidate must know about it. The test is booked in three different ways mentioned below:
- Online through the IELTS center’s official website.
- The official website of the British Council.
- Offline visit to your test center—this is booking method tends to be the most time-consuming.
Whatever the choice, some candidates sometimes utilize other, less credible methods. They try to book IELTS dates through other mediums to save their time and money. This one mistake is something scammers eagerly wait for.
Online booking scammers try their best to lure innocent test takers. Most of their victims are usually those booking IELTS for the first time. They launch exciting offers through search engines and social media platforms including…
- Google, Facebook, and X—formerly Twitter.
- WhatsApp, Linkedin, and Reddit.
- Quora, Telegram, and Instagram.
..and this is only a partial list.
Those who fall into their trap lose their test fee. Their IELTS booking is not confirmed, and there is an overall loss of time and money.
Scammers love victims and its best for first time IELTS candidates do their booking correctly so they do not become a victim.
Uncertainty of Which Type of Exam Candidates are Booking: Academic v. General IELTS
Many first time IELTS test takers have no idea about the type of exam to book dates for.
More specifically, there are three different types of IELTS test:
- IELTS Academic.
- IELTS General Training.
Overall, IELTS Academic is for those who want to travel to Canada or other countries to achieve higher educational excellence for professional purposes. IELTS General Training is for those who want to come to Canada for entry-level positions and basic education. IELTS UKVI is specifically for those who want to work, live, and study in the United Kingdom.
This is another reason first-time test takers struggle to book their IELTS. This mistake wastes the time, money, and preparation efforts in IELTS booking.
Candidates need to research and know the IELTS type they are booking for. It must be done in time and candidates can get help directly from the British Council if they are unsure. Doing this also saves candidates from initiating the cancellation process late means an invitation to a financial penalty. Those who initiate the process late are either refunded half the test fee or nothing. Therefore, apply for the IELTS date cancellation process immediately and, even more, know which IELTS is the right one to book for beforehand.
Booking Without Knowledge about IELTS Formats
IELTS Academic, IELTS General, and IELTS UKVI are conducted in the following forms:
- Paper-based IELTS.
- Computer-based IELTS.
- Online IELTS.
A lack of knowledge about it does not hurt candidates’ chances of getting confirmation of IELTS dates from the British Council, but it can waste time and money for sure.
Most IELTS candidates make this mistake unknowingly. This can have ramifications on the actual test day. Candidates are not allowed to enter the test hall if they have booked IELTS online. The IELTS test center authorities permit candidates to enter the test hall only if they have booked either paper-based IELTS or computer-based IELTS. IELTS online can be attempted only from the comfort of home.
Again, when booking an IELTS test dates without any format foreknowledge about is a mistake. It hurts financially and wastes time. Do research and go over the booking process thoroughly from scratch.
Booking an IELTS Test Center that is Difficult to Reach
Candidates book their test with ease but when test day rolls around, they do not realize just how far they have to travel to get to the test site.
This turns out to be a mistake if something beyond their control goes wrong. The list of such things includes…
- Accidents.
- Natural catastrophes.
- Inclement weather conditions.
- Civil unrest—i.e. road blockage from strikes.
- Industrial action.
- Most recently, a global pandemic and all of its related restrictions.
Several things happen if candidates make this costly mistake during the IELTS test booking process, such as…
- Candidates do not reach their IELTS exam center.
- Authorities mark candidates as absent.
- The test booking fee is wasted and unrefunded.
- Candidates do not qualify for IELTS exam dates cancellation, rescheduling, or a transfer.
- Candidates are denied entry to the test hall even if you manage to reach there late. That is standard practice under the British Council.
In the end, candidates should book an IELTS exam center that is either within the geographical boundaries of your hometown or is near your hometown.
Entering Incorrect Personal Information
Many first-time test takers make this mistake. They enter incorrect information about themselves. Hence they don’t receive the confirmation of their exam booking from the British Council. Even a little difference in spelling in one’s name is considered an incorrect entry of personal information. Some candidates mention the wrong passport number or there is a spelling difference on a passport compared with the spelling on an IELTS exam booking application becomes a reason for it.
ALWAYS enter the correct personal information, including spelling, certain numbers and codes, and all personal information. Again, it save so much hassle.
Not Uploading Mandatory Documents
Many first-time test takers underestimate the value of uploading mandatory documents. They must upload your photograph, passport photocopy, and a valid national identity. A passport photocopy and photography are mandatory. A national identity card is required only under certain circumstances. All documents must be clear and easy to read.
Not Checking Available IELTS Test Dates Well In Advance
Always check the availability of IELTS dates a couple of weeks or months in advance. Candidates that do so give themselves enough time to prepare for the test effectively and are mentally prepared for all arrival, check-in, and sitting practices in advance.
Also: it is unwise to even consider taking IELTS until one’s English language listening, reading, writing, and speaking abilities are exceptional. It’s a bit test and requires all faculties for part of an entire day. It is unwise to take the test until one is thoroughly prepared.
BITTS Testing Services, a network of more than 30 British Council-approved IELTS test centers in Ontario, British Columbia, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Alberta, and Newfoundland and Labrador, have a team to help you book any test venue and IELTS exam dates.
Book now! Call us to learn the value BITTS Testing Services can offer you.