
Perfecting Your Speech Presentation Skills

In several interviews, billionaire Warren Buffet has noted his previous aversion to public speaking. “As a youngster, if I had to get up in front of others, I’d throw up…it was awful.” He knew this was a flaw to his dream of business and wealth. However, a short course in public speaking not only made him a better presenter, but it also gained him a teaching fellowship and won the hand of his wife Susan.

Buffet and so many like him understand the value of speeches, public presentation, and discourse with others. If you want success, it’s a must-have. Don’t have them? Don’t worry.

To the Podium

What some people don’t realize about public speaking and presentation skills is that they can be learned. True, some people are born gabbers and can talk to complete strangers while waiting for the morning bus. But others don’t have that natural ability.

A good speech presentation course is both comprehensive and short. In it, students get a chance to learn the fundamentals of presentation, such as preparing a topic, how to stand and make eye-contact, diction and vocabulary ability, and some tips like avoiding slang, excessive pausing, and repetition. Again, it’s not much, but it puts you at the podium and gives one a chance to get immediate feedback before a real presentation ever occurs.

So Much to Gain

With speech presentation abilities, you get a chance to not only gain confidence with others but
also get skills to work in a variety of fields. Sales, marketing, teaching, human resources, and
project management are just a few arenas where you can find success with the ability to speak,
present, and hold an audience.

If you’re someone that wants to become a great presenter, check us out at bitts.ca/course/speech-presentation-skills/ to learn more and get started quickly.

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